You Play - You Win

With us you will wander to the top
We are here for you

Earn rewards
Choose a game
We are constantly evolving and adding more games to our repertoire. Choose one of the currently available and enter the competition!
Why join

We care about every player, and this is shown by the very format of the prize pool distribution. With us, everyone wins, regardless of the score. Better play, however, will get you our currency faster.

Meeting place for players
Our platform is breaking new records it has set, and more than 400 amateur teams from all over Poland have signed up for one season of the Counter-Strike league. There is something to fight for, but most of all - there is someone to fight with!

We are here for you
Many people, including administrators, take care of arrMY. These are always at your disposal and regardless of the time of the match you are playing - they will take care of your problem within minutes.

arrMY is a constantly growing project. During the year we have increased the base of players using the platform several times. Do you want to be part of something great? Join now!

You play, you don't pay
Unlike some platforms known for example for the Counter-Strike series of games, you can use arrMY completely for free. Where is the catch? There is none!